Human Electromagnetic Entanglement

THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN RECORDED HISTORY? Human Electromagnetic Entanglement [God Demands To Be a Potential] No one would dare step out of line once in their life if God and hell and heaven were a certainty. Free will, the … Continue reading

Direct Order

I was awakened from my slumber. I smelled Sativa. I raised my vested body.   I noticed some rummaging in the HUMVee, as my body raised. “Sgt., is that you?” I said to the man rummaging. The obvious Marine continued. … Continue reading

A Proud Moment

So, it’s Baghdad, around 30 April, 2003. My unit, 1st Tank Battalion (Reinforced), had been in the city for some three weeks and some change. The night before, US Army units had begun to arrive at our bivouac, which was … Continue reading

When Is It Okay To Brag?

It was early in this century. I had duty this one day at MCAGCC, 29 Palms, California. I was waiting at the Battalion Aid Station on base, next to 1st Tank Battalion HQ, until 1600 hours, to officially close the … Continue reading


From my data and dearth of comments, there seems to be no more need and never was demand, so the tales end here. Sorry to the few who were interested.

Reconnissance by Fire

The fastest way to complete any mission will always be to hunt for and gather information, or intelligence, on its objective AND every obstacle that could present itself as you proceed towards it. You can filter intelligence passively, which is … Continue reading

Zero Eight-Sixteen (ZULU)

Stranger powers yet This will never be a day that I will ever forget The instants, moments, minutes and the hours Joy and sunshine is what war devours Oscar-Mike maybe to nowhere Head on a swivel just sit and stare … Continue reading

1% of This Is Bullshit

As I’ve said before, I try to be mathematically honest. And so, sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, a tiny portion of this account is fiction. (1%, to be accurate) Why have I done this? Simply because it seemed … Continue reading

Three Confirmed Kills

  1800 Hours 14 September 2011   Throughout my time in combat, I earned the reputation of a special kind of killer. Of shitter boxes. That’s right, a little humor injection you war mongers. It was about day three when … Continue reading

How Many Dogs Could You Kill?

Even though I know exactly how many dogs I killed in Iraq, the number would muffle their now-silent voices, so let’s start with the very first one, the only one I didn’t have to. It’s the first night of The … Continue reading

The Boots Told the Story

It wasn’t much to see, not much time to see then, but it was day 2 of “the war,” I think, that I saw my first dead enemy bodies. The following was conceived literally from 3/10 of one split second … Continue reading

08 June 2011

Hello out there. I’m still experimenting with styles and themes and such, but I’ve added a herpetology page for my Snake Keeping members. Stay tuned for live webcams from my Emerald Tree Boa’s habitats! Any one out there yet?

It Lives!

As you can see, my inter-net service is up and running, thus now can I continue adding. I’ll assume their are some visitors or readers so far, as I’ve been happy to notice several friends already visiting and posting. So … Continue reading


Okay gang – you can read the date-stamp! Its early, I’m not sure of this sites future, but I will tell you all – you WILL find interesting musings contained herin, the bulk coming as I create a place here … Continue reading


Welcome to my site, and please be patient as I get started!